- An elegant and eye catching profile ideal for large areas
- Tapering, concave and convex designs possible
- For roof pitches from 25° (35° in regions with heavy snowfall)
- Striking effects are achieved with the first turn of the seam
- Simple, efficient installation
- Rainproof longitudinally seamed joints
- Use of preprofiled panels or on-site fabrication
- Lengths up to 16.0 m possible on roofing applications
RHEINZINK-Angled Seam Zinc Roofing
The zinc angled standing seam is a relatively new development in the field of traditional sheet metal technology: it was not mentioned in technical literature until the beginning of the 20th century. Ideal for roofs with a pitch of min 25°or 35°. Closing the seams of the prefabricated sections is simple, compared with the double standing seam. Trays can easily expand and surface distortions are avoided as less stress is placed on the metal when the seam is formed.
The angled standing seam is a popular choice in visible areas of metal roofing where the roof pitch is greater, e.g parapets, fascias and mansard roofs, whether running in the traditional vertical direction, diagonally or horizontally. The angled standing seam offers greater seam width then the double standing seam and is an eyecatching feature even over large areas of roofing.
Installed by skilled craftsmen
Can be used on steep sloping roofs over 25º
Sheet lengths up to 16m - material thickness 0.7mm
Stronger seam line
Seam height 25mm spaced at max 500mm centres
Suitable for fully sealed and ventilated roof build ups
Must be a fully supported
All fixings are hidden